We are expanding how you can enter this community as part of our commitment to addressing inequitable systems. We trust you’ll decide what contribution feels right for you along the sliding scale and hope you’ll consider paying at the highest rate your circumstances allow at this time and along your journey.

This allows members to place themselves fairly along the scale, while keeping our operations and funding sustainable to serve the whole.

Equity, trust, and reciprocity

Come and join us.


Coralus comes with a commitment to practice new ways of being. That starts here with how you enter the community. Pick your colour on the spectrum below. All levels come with the same experience, possibilities, and care.

Trust that when you give, you will also receive.

A gesture of reciprocity,

a collective act of radical generosity

Coralus comes with a commitment to practice new ways of being.

That starts here with how you enter the community.

Pick your colour on the spectrum below.

All levels come with the same experience, possibilities, and care.

Trust that when you give,

you will also receive.

$33 / month
$333 / year
$99 / month
$1111 / year


Select Your Price
Coming Soon


“It’s all about flow. Money is energy. Just breathe. It’s all there for you."

Coralus had a transformational effect on my relationship to money. I participated in The Money Game at the last (un)Summit. I learned to stay connected to my body and to pay attention to what I was feeling while dealing with money - and listen to that.

The result has been a new, freer and more trusting and embodied relationship with money. A few weeks after the program I received an unexpected windfall that enabled me to pay off my mortgage.

Vanessa LeBourdais,
Coralus community member


We value all forms of capital and fuse them together to serve the highest and best use of our community’s resources towards our greatest impact. That includes valuing contributions beyond financial for those who would like to explore using all forms of capital - including time, resources, influence, perspectives, and connection. We ask for a minimum financial contribution to support our core operations and at this time will not commonly offer gifted or free memberships.

Are there other ways to contribute?

Coralus collectively practices different ways of doing things for a better now and a new inheritance. Members offer and access resources at their own pace, creating a self-regenerating, pay-it-forward pool of skills, connections, funds, and support then used to advance ventures and the collective doing world changing work.

Coralus has circulated nearly $19M to 190+ women- and non-binary-led ventures by distributing capital via collective decision-making. 45% of those founders are from chronically excluded racial and ethnic groups. The payback rate on its unsecured 0% interest loans is 95%. Founded in Canada in 2015, Coralus' current footprint includes the US, Australia, New Zealand, and the UK.


© 2024 Coralus. All rights reserved.

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Co-created with love ❤
